Centro Investigación en Educación Superior

Growth Factors and Astrocytes Metabolism: Possible Roles for Platelet Derived Growth Factor

CATEGORÍA(S): , , , .
AUTOR(ES): Ricardo Cabezas / Marco Avila-Rodriguez / Nelson Enrique Vega-Vela / Valentina Echeverria / Janneth González / Oscar Alejandro Hidalgo / Altair Brito Santos / Gjumrakch Aliev / George E. Barreto.
Licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento CC BY. Esta obra está bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento CC BY 4.0 Internacional.

Astrocytes exert multiple functions in the brain such as the development of blood–brain barrier characteristics, the promotion of neurovascular coupling, attraction of cells through the release of chemokines, clearance of toxic substances and generation of antioxidant molecules and growth factors. In this aspect, astrocytes secrete several growth factors (BDNF, GDNF, NGF, and others) that are fundamental for cell viability, oxidant protection, genetic expression and modulation of metabolic functions. The platelet derived growth factor (PDGF), which is expressed by many SNC cells including astrocytes, is an important molecule that has shown neuroprotective potential, improvement of wound healing, regulation of calcium metabolism and mitochondrial function. Here we explore some of these astrocyte-driven functions of growth factors and their possible therapeutic uses during neurodegeneration.

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