Procedencia: "Ciencia y Medicina"

384 contenidos encontrados.
Centro Investigación en Educación Superior

Estructura factorial de la escala DREEM en estudiantes de medicina chilenos

Background: The entry to a University requires an adaptation process that not all students solve with the same kind of […]

Centro Investigación en Educación Superior

Did female prisoners with mental disorders receive psychiatric treatment before imprisonment?

Background Throughout the world, high prevalence rates of mental disorders have been found in prison populations, especially in females. It has been suggested […]

Centro Investigación en Educación Superior

Treating substance abuse is not enough: Comorbidities in consecutively admitted female prisoners

Several studies have pointed to high rates of substance use disorders among female prisoners. The present study aimed to assess […]

Centro Investigación en Educación Superior

Over‑expression of muscle glycogen synthase in human diabetic nephropathy

Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is a major complication of diabetic patients and the leading cause of end-stage renal disease. Glomerular dysfunction plays a critical role in DN, […]

Centro Investigación en Educación Superior

Computer-aided design of T-cell epitope-based vaccines: addressing population coverage

Epitope-based vaccines (EVs) make use of short antigen-derived peptides corresponding to immune epitopes, which are administered to trigger a protective humoral and/or […]

Centro Investigación en Educación Superior

A bioinformatics tool for epitope-based vaccine design that accounts for human ethnic diversity: Application to emerging infectious diseases

Background: Peptide vaccination based on multiple T-cell epitopes can be used to target well-defined ethnic populations. Because the response to […]

Centro Investigación en Educación Superior

Comparación del desarrollo psicomotor en preescolares chilenos con normopeso versus sobrepeso/obesidad

Objetivo: comparar cómo se distribuye el Desarrollo Psicomotor (DSM) en tres estados nutricionales: normal, sobrepeso y obeso. Material y métodos: […]

384 contenidos encontrados.
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