Polarity protein Par3 controls B-cell receptor dynamics and antigen extraction at the immune synapse
PROCEDENCIA(S): | Ciencia y Medicina. |
CATEGORÍA(S): | Biología Molecular, Endocrinología y Metabolismo, Inmunología. |
AUTOR(ES): | Anne Reversat / Maria-Isabel Yuseff / Danielle Lankar / Odile Malbec / Dorian Obino / Mathieu Maurin / Naga Venkata Gayathri Penmatcha / Alejandro Amoroso / Lucie Sengmanivong / Gregg G. Gundersen / Ira Mellman / François Darchen / Claire Desnos / Paolo Pierobon / Ana-Maria Lennon-Duménil. |
TIPO DE MATERIAL: | Artículos. |

B-cell receptor (BCR) engagement with surface-tethered antigens leads to the formation of an immune synapse, which facilitates antigen uptake for presentation to T-lymphocytes. Antigen internalization and processing rely on the early dynein-dependent transport of BCR-antigen microclusters to the synapse center, as well as on the later polarization of the microtubule-organizing center (MTOC). MTOC repositioning allows the release of proteases and the delivery of MHC class II molecules at the synapse. Whether and how these events are coordinated have not been addressed. Here we show that the ancestral polarity protein Par3 promotes BCR-antigen microcluster gathering, as well as MTOC polarization and lysosome exocytosis, at the synapse by facilitating local dynein recruitment. Par3 is also required for antigen presentation to T-lymphocytes. Par3 therefore emerges as a key molecule in the coupling of the early and late events needed for efficient extraction and processing of immobilized antigen by B-cells