Nanoparticles as Alternative Strategies for Drug Delivery to the Alzheimer Brain: ElectronMicroscopy Ultrastructural Analysis
PROCEDENCIA(S): | Ciencia y Medicina, USS Concepción. |
CATEGORÍA(S): | Bioquímica, Farmacología y Farmacia, Geriatría y Gerontología, Hematología, Neurociencias, Neurología Clínica, Química Médica, Sistema Cardiovascular y Cardíaco. |
AUTOR(ES): | Gjumrakch Aliev / Jesús Daza / Arturo Solís Herrera / María del Carmen Arias Esparza / Ludis Morales / Valentina Echeverria / George E. Barreto. |
TIPO DE MATERIAL: | Artículos, Innovación. |

One of the biggest problems and challenges in the development of new drugs and/or treatment strategies for AD is the difficulty of passing the drugs across the blood brain barrier (BBB). The use of nanoparticles in drug delivery therapy holds much promise in targeting remote tissues, and as a result many studies have attempted to study the ultrastructural localization of nanoparticles in various tissues. However, there are currently no in vivo studies demonstrating the ultrastructural distribution of nanoparticles in the brain. The aim of this study is to address how intravenous injection of silver nanoparticles in the brain leads to leaking on the interendothelial contact and luminal plasma membrane, elucidating the possibility of penetrating into the areas of the brain which are most affected by AD (vascular endothelium, perivascular, neuronal and glial cells). Therefore current study indicate that the silver nanoparticles can be conjugated and used to deliver the drugs into the cell cytoplasm of the damaged brain cells which being able to diminish the lesions that occur in AD or other neurodegenerative damaged effected brain.