Multi-objective Robust Optimization using a Post-optimality Sensitivity Analysis Technique: Application to a Wind Turbine Design
PROCEDENCIA(S): | Ingeniería y Tecnología, USS Santiago. |
CATEGORÍA(S): | Ciencias de la Información y la Computación, Ingeniería Civil, Ingeniería Eléctrica Electrónica Informática, Ingeniería Mecánica, Ingeniería y Tecnología, Matemáticas Aplicadas, Mecánica Aplicada, Robótica y Sistemas de Control Automático, Sistemas de Automatización y Control. |
AUTOR(ES): | Weijun Wang / Stephane Caro / Fouad Bennis / Ricardo Soto / Broderick Crawford. |
TIPO DE MATERIAL: | Artículos, Investigación. |

Toward a multi-objective optimization robust problem, the variations in design variables and design environment parameters include the small variations and the large variations. The former have small effect on the performance functions and/or the constraints, and the latter refer to the ones that have large effect on the performance functions and/or the constraints. The robustness of performance functions is discussed in this paper. A post-optimality sensitivity analysis technique for multi-objective robust optimization problems is discussed and two robustness indices are introduced. The first one considers the robustness of the performance functions to small variations in the design variables and the design environment parameters. The second robustness index characterizes the robustness of the performance functions to large variations in the design environment parameters. It is based on the ability of a solution to maintain a good Pareto ranking for different design environment parameters due to large variations. The robustness of the solutions is treated as vectors in the robustness function space, which is defined by the two proposed robustness indices. As a result, the designer can compare the robustness of all Pareto optimal solutions and make a decision. Finally, two illustrative examples are given to highlight the contributions of this paper. The first example is about a numerical problem, whereas the second problem deals with the multi-objective robust optimization design of a floating wind turbine.